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Your Role

VP CXP oGC 1617

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Welcome at the beginning of this amazing and challenging journey. I hope you are prepared to think outside of the box, constantly look for new opportunities and break any record, we can break together. Please, use transition space as much as possible to create your own vision of the area, dream you want to fulfill with your members, me and AIESEC in Germany and I am pretty sure that with this in our minds we can achieve more than ever. Because at the end, one more realization in Global Citizen can mean a new president, CEO or UN Deputy Secretary-General that we activate due to the AIESEC exchange 
Are you ready to enjoy this crazy ride with Global Citizen and our customers?
Keep being awesome & change the world,
Yours Olga

Knowledge Base


Please find all important information and knowledge in our oGCDP and MKT knowledge base! There you can find different folders and categories to efficiently look through all the data. Go through the whole base to get an overview of existing knowledge. If you are missing something and also your predecessor cannot help you, simply contact the NST oGCDP via mail.

Transition Guideline


We are happy to hereby share with you the oGCDP transition guideline. Please make a copy of this one to adapt it to your needs and LC to get the maximum out of it. This guidline is for working together on transition as two generations and to track your progress. 

Activity Guideline


Please check out the activity guideline for the exchange programs. It gives you a direction on how to achieve the next tier according to the OD model. For further questions please approach Olga.



Please check out the general recommendations by Olga for implementing CXP in your LC. If you have further questions please approach her or the NST oGCDP.

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