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Blauer Kontoauszug: It used to be blue. It’s not anymore^^. A document you get from the                     MCVPFin twice a year which creates all movements on account 400.


BK: Buchungskreis. Category of bookings in (100: Bank, 200: Cash,...)



EB: Eröffnungsbilanz. Opening Balance Sheet. Is booked at the beginning of every year        to fill your blank Exact with all the amounts as of 1st January of that year.


EB: Executive Board of an LC


EBET: Eigenbeteiligung - Part of a fee which has to be covered by the                         delegate and which is not refundable


EP: Exchange Participant - student who goes abroad with AIESEC


FKG: Firmenkontaktgespräch


FK: Förderkreis - Board of Supporters


FST: Finance Support Team


GuV: Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung. Income and Expenses.


HHP: Haushaltsplan. Annual Budgeting.


JA: Jahressbschluss - Annual Statement


KK: Kontokorrent. Current accoounts wich can be used as trasit items


MA: Mitarbeiter - AIESEC member/VP/LCP


MC: Member Committee (our national board)


OPCo: Outgoer Preparation Conference


OPS: Outgoer Preparation Seminar


PB: Praktikantenbetreuung - Reception, measures we can do with our interns like language     courses


RK: Reisekosten - Travel costs


RLP: Rechnungslegungsprüfer. They are our internal auditors and lead the audits.              Moreover they support and advice you on how to book complex facts.


SKA: Sachkontenauszug. A list of all bookings on one account. Can be exported/printed        from Exact.


VV: Vermögensverwaltung, often also Verlagsvertrag. Printed media with paid ads        (for example Semesterplaner, FKG-Brochure,...)


WGB: Wirtschaftlicher Geschäftsbetrieb


X: Exchange


Y2B: Youth to Business Forum



Deutsches Komitee der AIESEC e.V.
Bonner Talweg 8
53113 Bonn

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AIESEC in Germany

MC Team of Germany

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