Induction Website
Claim Sheet
You can download the Member Claim Sheet (which is explained in this page) here:
The 600 accounts (member accounts)
These accounts (in German Mitarbeiterkontokorrentkonto or short MKK) are used for booking the claims and liabilities against your members. They have the numbers 600-799, while 600 is in most cases the LCP and 601 is the VP-Finance. In the format “debit to credit”, claims are debit and liabilities are credit. If your MKK is 100€ in credit, the LC owes you 100€. Since no one wants to wait too long for his or her money always have a look on these accounts and try to balance the differences as soon as possible.
An example for a booking on the accounts would be the following:
3036 to 06xx (e.g. workshop material)
15xx to 06xx (Attendance of a meeting)
While liabilities against members are pretty clear, this is not the case for claims. So when does the LC have claims against a member? The most common example is the contribiution, members have to pay for conferences (which is not a real claim, since the LC has in most cases also a liability against the member, which is the Fee 1). The booking would be the following:
1500 to 6xx (attendance at a regional conference) e.g. 90€
6xx to 2500 (contribution) e.g. 45€
After these two bookings, you can transfer him or her 45€ back and the account will be in balance again.
6xx to 130 (MKK balance MA M.Mummlover) 45€
Important is, that you always include the name of the member in your bookings and that you book conferences always on the first day of the conference.
Reimbursements are always done by your bank account. Reimbursement by cash is forbidden. You are just allowed to have a cash box for projects like conferences. In the other way round that means, that member, who own the LC money, should transfer the correct amount instead of giving it to you on a LCM.
Keep in mind, what can be reimbursed and what can´t!
Important: It is possible to limit all reimbursement, not just conferences. In reality this mainly accounts for travelling by car, which can be limited to whatever amount you set. This of course should just be done when you have a reason - e.g. when you have planed in your budget plan with a lower amount of reimbursement for the conference or when your lc is facing a financial loss- and when you have talken to your member beforehand. It should be also mentioned in the Sachlicher Bericht.
Do´s and Dont´s
1. Fee 2 and deposit on conferences can not be refunded
2. It has to be at least 5€ of contribution per night of the Fee 1
3. T-Shirts/Cloth in general
4. Mascots
5. Cigarettes
6. Drugs
7. Too much alkohol (take a look in the projects wiki)
8. Vouchers
9. Presents for the OC or trainers on conferences of an inappropriate value (max. 5€)
… are not refundable!
The points 3-9 would be a secret payout for the members, which is not allowed since AIESEC is an organisation, that should be based on the work of volunteers.
For food and drinks on special LC events like elections you are just allowed to spend 2€ per attendant (keep in mind, that you need a signature list) and AIESEC parties like a christmas LCM have to be paid with your own money.
For planning days (in German PlaWos) you have to take a contribution of 5€ per night, if you are staying in a hostel or somewhere, where you have to pay. If you have cheap planning days you don´t need this. You also need a signature list of the participants.
Sometimes you have to pay advances to members, if they for example have not the money to go to a conference. Following rules apply for it:
It should not be more than 300€. If it is more than that, you have to ask the MCVP-Finance for permission.
A not needed advance have to be repaid within two weeks after you got it.
In case a member wants to have an advance, he or she has to fill out the sheet, which is in the member receipt sheet.
The booking is the following:
6xx to 130 (advance via bank)
Signature Lists
As evidence for expenses you have to do for every event, that has expenses, a signature list of the participans. That counts for meetings with your function as well as for workshops or conferences.
Copy Lists
Solltet ihr an der Uni mit Kopierkarten arbeiten, legt bitte eine LC Liste an, wo jeder, der kopiert/auflädt, dieses vermerken kann.
If you have a copy card of your university, please make a list in your office, where everybody using this card writes, what he or she has done with it.
Travel expenses
You have to keep in mind the following things if you reimburse travel costs:
• Can your LC handle the financial burden?
• Are the travel expenses necessary for the LC?
• Are they appropriate?
• What´s the added value of the journey for the LC and the member?
Members have to choose the cheapest way of travelling. Besides that, you can choose freely your favoured kind of transport. But consider, that the LC can (and should) cut the reimbursement to the high of the cheapest way of transport. For example: One can choose the ICE for 60€. But if there is a regional train, that offers the same way for 18€, you can just reimburse 18€. You should always choose the most economical way!
Every LC can decide on own rules of reimbursement. For example, they can say, that every journey is subsidized by 50%.
In the following we will explain typical means of transport and their characteristics.
Reimbursement for the reservation of a seat is just allowed, if you have to sit for more than four hours in the same train.
In case you have one tickets for more than one person, every member of AIESEC using the ticket has to be written on the receipt.
The date of the booking is the date of the trip!
The BahnCard is a special system for travelers, who often use the Deutsche Bahn. They buy one BahnCard and afterwards they get a 25% or 50% discount on every trip they are doing.
You are of course allowed to reimburse this BahnCard. But just in the case, that it has a real added value for the LC. So you have to calculate, whether it is more economical for the LC to buy the BahnCard or to buy full price tickets. Therefore you have to fill out the BahnCard calculation sheet found in the “Mitarbeiterbeleg”.
3020 to 06xx ( Bahncard MA LCP)
For every kilometer driven you get a fixed amount of money:
Fixed Rate:
• one person EUR 0,15
• two persons EUR 0,20
• each additional person: +0,02
• trailer EUR 0,05
A LC can also have a lower fixed rate. This has to be explained in the annual report and you have to stick to this rate over the whole time you are using it.
For cars you have to use the drivers logbook!
Gas Receipt:
Für die Erstattung mit der Tankquittung sind zwei Tankquittungen von Nöten: Einmal die Tankquittung vor der Fahrt und einmal die Tankquittung unmittelbar (oder zum nächst möglichen Zeitpunkt) nach der Fahrt. Das Auffüllen darf dabei nicht länger als einen Tag nach dem Ereignis liegen. Achtung: Seit 2014 soll von der Tankquittung zur Kilometerpauschaule gewechselt werden.
For PBMs you have to use gas receipts. Keep in mind that the receipt has to be dated a maximum of one day after the event and that you need two receipts: one before your trip and one after.
Rental Car
Please use the sheet for Public Transport.
Mitfahrzentrale – Mitfahrgelegenheiten:
Also use the sheet for public transport if you are going by Mitfahrgelegenheit. But you also have to print out the offer from the website and the driver has to sign a small document
Buses/Car Sharing
You need a receipt, thats all. And of course it is public transport!
In general it is no difference to train and buses. But sometimes you do not get a proper receipt for your flight in the beginning. Sometimes you even have to ask the airline for it. Do not accept booking confirmations!
You also have to hand in your boarding card.
Share of travelling expenses with other LCs
Sollten Mitarbeiter aus mehreren LCs zusammen reisen, so stellt sich die Frage der Kostenverteilung. Generell reicht ein Mitarbeiter die Kosten in seinem LC ein. Die Aufgaben des Fin Teams ist es dann, diese Kosten zu verteilen.
If members of different LCs are travelling together, you have to share the costs. In general one member hands in all costs in one LC. The Fin-teams of the LCs have to spread them afterwards.
The following steps have to be done, if it is your member handing in the receipt:
Your member hands in the receipt:
0553 to 06xx (Reimbursement travelling expenses purpose MA)
Now you split it on an expenses account and on the accounts of the other LCs:
1505 to 0553 (share travelling expenses own MA)
04xx to 0553 (share travelling expenses MA other LC)
Now you have a claim against the other LC. So this LC has to transfer you money to rebalance the accounts again:
0130 to 04xx (travelling expenses purpose MA LC)
If you are on the other side you book the following:
15x5 to 6xx (Theoretical handing in of the expenses)
6xx to 4xx (liability against other LC)
Communicate beforehand with the other LC, who reimburses what!
In special cases one LC can also take the share of another LC, if the first LC is financially stable.