Induction Website
iGIP Flow
iGIP is one of the four exchange programs that AIESEC offers.
The abbreviation stands for 'incoming Global Internship Program'.
As you can already tell by the name, our job is to bring international students to Germany for professional internships.
General speaking you can divide the iGIP Flow in three different parts: RAISE, MATCH and REALIZE.
RAISE: All the processes that go into actually finding companies who want to work with us.
After we found a company who wants to have an AIESEC intern we have a RAISE.
MATCH: All the processes that go into actually finding an intern who wants to work with our company.
After we found an intern and the company decideds to hire him we have a MATCH.
REALIZE: All the processes that go into giving the intern and company a smooth collaboration from start to end
After we took care of all necessary steps to get the intern to Germany and the intern started to work we have a REALIZE.