Induction Website
AIESEC desires to develop the leadership potential of youth through experiential learning, volunteer experiences and professional internships.
The Marketing Team, have the task to demonstrate AIESEC programmes value to it target group. With that in mind, the Marketing Team should support the the Talent Management team as well as the Outgoing Teams, by explaining to the students what AIESEC programmes are about. How deep that knowledge needs to be, will depends on each Local Comittee. My advice is that the Marketing Team should have a very deep knowledge on what each program is, and for that to happen, a strong interface with TM and OGX teams are necessary and recommended.
With AIESEC exchange programmes, the main idea is that is possible to bring better understanding between different people by placing students and potencial leaders across the world in a different culture. With this experience, AIESEC desires to change the mind set of the future leaders, to keep them open minded to new experiences and accept that different cultures, have different ways of thinking, and to have a better world, the humankind needs to have a multicultural understanding and acceptance.
That being said, AIESEC programmes are:
Global Citizen
Any student can apply to this programme, doens't matter if have experience or not.
This is a voluteer programme, that focus on helping communities accross the earth, by in the same time changing the way each participant sees and understands the world. This programme have the following subprogrammes:
Social Entreupreneurship
Duration: 6 to 8 weeks
Cost: 400EUR
Global Talent UP
This programme main focus are the students that are starting their universities studies, but wants a professional experience abroad. The student will work in a startup company (emerging companies), and in most of the cases won't be paid for that. Because of the duration of this programme, it can be done without interrupting the studies.
Who can apply? Students from second semester or up.
This programme have the following subprogrammes:
Business administration
Information Technology
Duration 8-12 weeks
Cost: 400EUR
Global Talent
This is the older brother of Global Talent UP. Here the target group are the students from the 4th or up semester in their Bachelor or Master students, with work experience. Because of the duration, needs to be done instead of a semester or after graduation. Here the student will have a salary.
This programme have the following subprogrammes:
Business administration
Information Techonology
Duration: Teaching 3 months, the others 6 months to 24 months.
Cost: 500EUR
Don't forget to contact your TM, oGCDP and oGIP teams to have a deeper knowledge of these programmes.
Youth talent in a simple way, is being a member of AIESEC. The main idea of this programme is to develop leaders from within the organization, by chalenging the members to fufill their potential and ambiton. Each member have the possibility to become a team leader, and grow inside AIESEC.
The main responsible team for this programme is the Talent Management, but each team have their on role to fufill and make the AIESEC experience great and meaniful.
Both Talent Management and Marketing teams are responsible for the recruitment of new members, and for that they also need the supporte from the others teams, remember a united Local Committee is the best way for garantee the growth of each one.