Induction Website
IXP -Integrated Experiences
AIESEC members do not only have the possibility to go abroad with AIESEC, they actually should go to understand our impact and value delivery and can speak of it firsthand.
Identify who is graduating or doesn't have summer plans. Set a goal for the TM team to send a certain # of members abroad this semester.
Suggestion: LC of 30 Members: Send 8-10 IXP
Create a Target List
Make a list of all the people in your LC and highlight:
1) Who has the means of going abroad this summer?
2) Who shows interest?
3) Who shows high potential for performance next semester and we want to invest into to go abroad this summer?
Example: Target outgoing and graduating members!
Internal Promotion
GET MEMBERS EXCITED! Going abroad is their way to get the full AIESEC experience and completes their leadership journey with an international experience. They also gain more clarity of the organization by seeing our impact themselves.
Suggestion: Utilize touch-points like one-on-ones, PDTs, LCM, FT Meetings, internal
newsletters, communication channels, and in mentor/ coaching talks.
Celebrate all those amazing stories and the LC providing the journey of a lifetime! Let them share what they will be doing, what they are excited for, and what they hope to give back to the LC. Use them to encourage others to go abroad!