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Performance and Development

Goalsetting & Tracking

Every member needs clear goals to be successful and motivated. Set and track SMART goals with the member for the area the member is responsible for. The member goals should be a contribution to the team goals and each member should know how he contributes within his work to the bigger goals of the LC and therefore of AIESEC in general.

SMART goalsetting stands for:

# Specific - target a specific area for improvement.
# Measurable - quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.
# Attainable - how the goal can be achieved.
# Realistic - state what results can realistically be achieved.
# Time-related - specify when the result(s) can be achieved.


Member Education

Offering each member the education and trainings needed for performing best in their role is crucial for achieving our goals (general AIESEC knowledge, functional education and soft skill training).
TM needs to ensure that educational needs are clear and that the needed education takes place.

We develop our Members in an experiental learning environment through their JDs and their LC activities.


For a deeper knowledge whenever they want to, they can use our





And of course, to every AIESEC experience belongs a conference experience.

See here a video of our last National Conference NatCo to get en impression:


Deutsches Komitee der AIESEC e.V.
Bonner Talweg 8
53113 Bonn

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AIESEC in Germany

MC Team of Germany

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