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  • Say your name;

  • Don't overthink what might or might not happen;

  • Keep it simple, your audience must be able to understand and follow what your are saying;

  • Know your audience. Are you going to speak with economics students? Language students? Narrow down the topic to what suits them best;

  • Try to bring out their emotion, it will make easier for you to keep their attention;

  • Don't apologize, instead show confidence (But not too much);

  • Take a deep breath before talking, that helps to decrease your heart rate and get you more calm;

  • Are you not a spontaneous person? That is not a problem, just write your pitch and practice it beforehand;

  • Speak with your body;

  • What is the size of your audience? Small, medium or large?

    • Small: 5-30. Tell a story, interact with them, a dialogue can also be used. The pitch needs to have a good content, facts and be very good.

    • Medium: 30-100. Interaction, engage them, make them think about what you are talking about. Tell 1 fact or a short story.

    • Large: 100-300. Raise their attention, give a problem you think should be solved. Prepare some questions before hand, practice it.

  • Be early;

  • Have material of what you want to pass. OGX? Have GT and GC material to give to them; Need new members? Have YT material with you;

  • Bring a supporter, he can help to calm you down if necessary or hand out the material while you are speaking;

  • Don't forget to give the proper thanks to the person that let you give the pitch;


  • Did you go on an OGX project? Why not tell them your experience? Was it just a vacation abroad? That can be used as well. Personal stories raise the attention to the topic and help you create a connection to your audience;

  • Are you recruiting? Why not share with them your personal experience inside AIESEC and the things your learned?

  • Do you know a greeting in another language? Why not say it, instead of your usual greeting in german or english?

  • Don't forget to say why are you there. Is it for an info evening? Say it;

  • If you want to write in the board, don't forget to ask the person who let you speak, for his approval. Keep in mind, that this person might need to erase it afterwards;

  • Don't be afraid, they won't bite you. ;)


Remember, the more you do it, the easier it will get for you to speak in public.

Good articles to read

Good videos to watch

What is a pitch?

Also know as "Elevator Pitch". The idea behind a pitch it that the information that you want to provide, could easily be done inside an elevator, in an unexpected meeting with someone important.It should take 30 seconds to 2 minutes, no longer than that.

This techinique intends to capture the attention of the person, to later on continue, exchange business cards or schedule a meeting. 

Why should you use it?

Every person have a limit amount of time, those that have achieve high position in the business world, have learned to manage theirs well. The same idea could be used with AIESEC target group, students. They don't want to hear a person talking for half an hour, about something that might be good or not to them, they have better things to do. 

With that in mind, using a pitch you can capture their attention, for the time they have to spare, and convince them that what you offer is good and worth for them to take their time and look more into it.

How do you do it?

Deutsches Komitee der AIESEC e.V.
Bonner Talweg 8
53113 Bonn

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